Happy Birthday Henry

Henry would have been 14 years old today.
Henry's birthday falls in Brain Tumor Awareness Month, and we have been distributing stickers and buttons that remember Henry and spread the word. May is also when the local Relay For Life occurs and we have prepared our white paper luminaires with Henry's name and likeness to line the walking track.
This June we will be traveling to Memphis to attend a day of remembrance at St. Jude. We hope to revisit some of Henry's favorite places - if we can bear.
Duke is also hosting a day of remembrance this summer. We are sending some photos to be included in their slide show, but uncertain if we can attend. Nevertheless, keeping Henry's memory and inspiration alive remains our constant desire.
Last week we attended a small service at the Children's Memorial Garden. The Memorial Garden is a lovely, well-cared for little space on the grounds of our local hospital. There is a circle of pavers engraved with the names of children to be remembered. We didn't even know about this worthy endeavor until we were contacted through the middle school a couple of weeks ago and offered Henry's original paver that was being replaced due to an incorrect font.
We met several parents who have lost children - many of whom died very suddenly and violently. It reminded us that - horrific as our situation was, and is, we at least had some time: time to devote to one another, time to enjoy life together, and time to tell each other (as often as we could) that we loved each other. That time was a precious gift...a gift we relive every single day.
Thinking about you Terry and Cynthia as you think of Henry on this special day.
We have also done luminaries for Henry this year and Benjamin is participating in the Relay for Life.
My thoughts are with you Cynthia & Terry. Henry's Birthday will always be a special day for a very special boy. Hugs to you both! Shelleen Paul
Aunt Scott just returned home from yet another day away from home. But the good news is, that no matter how far away I am, I'm always close to Henry. I see him so often. A wink in a meeting, a rainbow in a cloud, a voice of reason (laced with humor). He lives with me. I thank you for giving me that, Cent and Terry. A glorious angel of perfection...lives with me everyday. And sometimes straightens my way. Thank you.
I remember meeting Henry for the first time and being directed into his play room at the house on College Street. He was probably three years old at the time and proceeded to inform me as to just how things would run during his play time. Marine Corps Drill Instructors would have marveled at his dicipline and attention to detail regarding construction of block structures and interaction between action figures. He was in complete control of the situation and I probably wound up asking permission to leave the room by the time it was all said and done. I miss the boy and cherish my conversations with him. We love you Henry!
Thinking of you both and sending hugs and love. We sang Happy Birthday to Henry in honor of the very special day he arrived in this world. We will always remember and treasure that day and all the birthdays he had here on earth and will sing Happy Birthday with the angels each year to let all know just how special he was and will never be forgotten. Love to you, Mark, Teresa, Courtney, Brett and Bryce
God bless you. What a positively amazing way to spread the hope and support.
Your blog is precious-Henry was lucky to have you.
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