Third Time's The Charm
[Updated 3:47 PM CST]
3:00 PM (CST)
Mama and Dad were called in to see Henry in ICU. He looks gorgeous. He woke enough to tell us that he's thirsty, and to tell us that he can talk (a major milestone). Dr. S came by and told us how well the surgery went and that Henry is doing great. He still needs to be watched carefully for the next 24 hours, and there will be yet another MRI to confirm our results, but we look forward to good news and minimal negative effects.
1:00 PM approx (CST)
Dr. S came up to the room. He said the surgery went very well: the tumor came out cleanly, the arteries and veins were not damaged, and the nerves looked good. He thought he would try to take the breathing tube out today, and said we would have a swallowing test in a day or two.
12:28 PM (CST)
Nurse P said Henry is doing great and that they have begun closing. He should be released to the ICU in 40 minutes.
11:26 AM (CST)
Nurse P reported that Henry is doing great and estimated about two more hours of surgery.
10:24 AM (CST)
Nurse P called to tell us that all continues well and that a tissue sample was sent to the lab (a tissue sample is required for admission to St. Jude, if we, in fact, are transferred there).
9:20 AM (CST)
Nurse P called and reported that Henry is fine and so far all is well.
8:20 AM (CST)
The surgical Nurse called to say that surgery had begun at 8:09 AM and that everything was fine - all Henry's vitals are good.
Dr. S had said that he does not use any "stealth"- style guidance system for this particular surgery (although he does use surgical microscopes), so there was less set up time this morning compared to Henry's previous surgeries.

Henry was prepped for surgery in his room and then transported downstairs to the second floor where the operating room is.

We then met briefly with the surgeon, Dr. S, and then the anesthesiologist, who gave us the procedural rundown. We met Dr. S's partner, Dr. B, and the attending nurse, who said she would call us every hour once surgery was underway. At 7:15 AM he was wheeled into the OR.
For whatever reason (very likely a different type of sedative), Henry was a bit more apprehensive before going into the OR, and that of course made Mama & Dad even more nervous. There is no formal waiting room for the OR, so we will wait in the room on the 5th floor until he is moved to ICU on the second floor, where we will have a parent's room.
We woke up early to check the blog and to find out we're having yet another snow day in Seattle. Big flakes are floating down and Aidan is doing the happy dance. Our spirits are high all the way around! We're thinking good thoughts and sending them your way. Thanks you so much for the updates.
The Maifelds
Henry== We are so glad and relieved that the surgery went well and you are ok. Now we can go on to my favorite idea--getting us all to the beach. All my love to you all==norma, bug, applehead, the old bag.
What a trooper you are! Many grown ups could not go through what you have been through in the past 6 or so months. I am so relieved that this one is over and from all accounts it sounds as if it was a total success. Thank God. We have all been on edge waiting for you to come out of surgery. I would imagine you must feel kind of yucky right now. Tomorrow will be better and then Thursday will be better and so on. Let everyone take good care of you and pamper you every minute. I know Mama and Dad are so very relieved to have this over. They have been quite brave and tough themselves. Get some rest and know that there are so many people that are thinking of you, praying for you and supporting you. People that just simply love you and your parents a great deal.
Aunt Carroll & Uncle Sim
Prayers have been answered! I thought of you all day long! I would expect my students would agree that Mrs. Palmer's class was on pens and needles. Know that we have been thinking and praying for you. My 4th grade students say you are "snap" and very "tight" (that is like cool and awesome to an old lady like me)I can not wait to tell them of the outcome of the surgery tomorrow at school! I called Aunt Carroll on my home from school and she had just talked to Uncle Bo! He gave the Montgomery Crew the great news!
I hope you all have a wonderful night's rest. What a blessing to sleep with a smile on our faces as we being to dream of even more good news in Memphis!
Tell Mama I like catching a glimpse of her in the picture...She looks just a beautiful as always!
Love to you all!
Vivian, Bean
P.S. I agree with Bug's idea... I think I hear the beach calling us!!!!
Terrific news. LeBonheur is a wonderful children's hospital. I spent 2 weeks there when I was "younger" and having kidney problems. Hope you got to see the ducks. My momma and I used to go to the Peabody every Saturday for
tea. Needless to say the high point was the duck parade to their beloved fountain. And the best ribs in the world: The famous Rondevous down town.
Awaiting that great MRI report.
Julie (Hahn)
Hope it's still there
I hope today has been a good one with happy hearts and losts of rest! Know that we have been thinking of you!
Henry, Please tell Aunt Scottie we have become the foster parents to a 10 1/2 week old Domberman we named her Ida Claire but calling her Claire! We will most likely take this one in. I found her at school and wanted her to feel safe! Can not wait the send pictures of her! She has just received her first bath!
Hope to hear from you soon!
Know we love you!
Bean (Vivian)
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