Safe and Sound In Memphis

By the time we de-planed, got the rental car and made it to the hotel, it was after 9:30 PM. We had a very nice dinner at a nearby restaurant and then snuggled in for the night.
Today we have time to relax and do some sight-seeing. Mama says we must go to the Peabody Hotel to see the bizarre ritual of ducks which make a daily trek on a red carpet from a pool in the lobby to their evening quarters.
Tomorrow we have our appointment with Dr. S at 10:15. We will check in at 9:45 for the requisite paperwork, etc. We anticipate an exam/consultation that could last a couple of hours. If, as expected, we decide to proceed, Henry will be admitted to LeBonheur Children's Hospital at 2PM. His surgery would be on Tuesday. Once he has been admitted, Mama & Dad will be able to stay with him at the hospital.
We had some initial confusion about what hospital Henry was going to. Dr. S was introduced to us (and on the website) as the head pediatric neurosurgeon at St. Jude, but apparently St. Jude is not a surgical hospital, so the surgery will be performed at LeBonheur and Henry would be admitted to St. Jude after the surgery. Since we expect to return home for followup therapy, we probably wont be at St. Jude for long, if at all.
When we moved to Montgomery, Sharon and I stayed one night in Memphis and we saw the duck is not to be missed. A great tradition.
We are thinking about you guys and wishing the very best news on Monday. We know you are in good hands.
The Seattle Gang
So glad to hear it was a safe trip to Memphis. I need to see the ducks at the Peabody. Please let me know what you think. I know all will go well tomorrow and am anxiously awaiting an update. Know that you are in my constant thoughts.
Give your sweet Mama and Daddy a big hug for me.
Love to you all!
Vivian (Bean)
Hey guys!
The day I saw the Peabody ducks, there was an Elvis impersonator parade downtown, so it was a little nutso. We love you Henry. Good luck tomorrow.
Kim Aycock
Paul Tyler sent us the link to the blog. Sounds like Lamar is a tough nut to crack but from all we've read here both Patricia and I are confident you can beat it. We know from personal experience how devastating that diagnosis can be but we also know that it can be overcome. My favorite place in Memphis is the Rock and Soul Museum -- lots of great artifacts from the 50s and 60s.
Jeff Stroman & Patricia Munford
(part of the TheatreVirginia Mafia)
Henry, I have tried this blogging thing many times--but never correctly. Am going to try to sign in as other rather than as blogger or anonymous Here goes. You are in my heart & my prayers and are a very special person as are your precious parents. When you are well, let's all go to Simbo's beach house and have some fun. I love you all. bug, applehead,norma--or--Simbo's favorite, the old bat.
Henry, Memphis is a nice place, Charles & I went to a Square Dance National Convention there in 1991. We had a great time.
You are still in our prayers at church and at home. Your pictures are great. I like your dog, he must be close to you if he can sleep in bed with you, Lots of company. We hope Lamar will get out of Memphis in a hurry, you have places to go and things to do.
I hope Santa was good to you as you are a good boy. Tell Mom & Dad we keep them in our prayers also.Did Mom get her peppers from Aunt Scott?
Love, Grandma Dot
I am praying very often today for all of you and will check back later for an update.
My love to all three of you,
Caroline Jenkins
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