We met with Dr. T today at 3:30. He was very sensitive and judicious, and presented quite plainly his recommendation for surgery at St. Jude. He felt that while he could do the surgery himself, there should be a benefit to utilizing a fresh set of eyes. Although details of the risks and dangers associated with this third surgery will need to come from Dr. S (the surgeon at St. Jude), Dr. T outlined a few percentages that, while very dangerous and scary, are a
tiny bit more promising than we originally thought. Dr. T was great in committing himself to continuing as Henry's doctor, and supervising all followup care (including radiation) when we get home.
Henry did not want to face another surgery, but when advised that it was 98% sure, he shrugged and said:
"Well, I went through two surgeries already. I can do one more."
Dr. T's office would contact Memphis and let us know. During the drive home we got the call: an appointment with Dr. S at 9:45 AM on Monday, January 15 (!) and surgery tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, January 16 (!!!).
Dear Terry and Cynthia: YES! Thanks so much for the update. It's all about living in the world of hope and I'm right there with you. Love, Sharon.
For Henry: Our dog, Brownie wants to meet your dog, Jack! You're going to be fine and I can't wait to see you. Love, Samuel
We just read your update. You are in our prayers, our family's prayers, and our church's prayers. We think about you all the time. We're glad you've had some fun days and good meals. Annie says to tell you "arf arf arf arf arf." That means "Jack is a cool lookin' dog."
Love, The Rothenbergers
I love yall soooooo much and am constantly thinking of u. Henry, Jack is very very cute. I hear that he adores you. xoxo, little cent
We all in Montgomery are thinking of you and your sweet Mama and Daddy! I am so happy to hear that you have Jack! As your Mama will tell you, I always have dogs, we have two wonderful dogs that keep us very busy! Ask you cousin Norma Carroll what spending the night is like! Our Abbey does not want anyone else to get receive ANY attention! Always know that we love you.
Maybe this summer when we are all out of school...you can plan a trip to Montgomery.
As Always,
Vivian (Bean)
Our precious Henry,
You brave brave boy. I can only imagine how much you are dreading another surgery and recovery. If anyone in the world can do this yet again, you can. I would (as everyone else would) give anything if this wasn't necessary. It is something that must be done to get you well and finally through with all of this mess. Just think, not too long from now, it will just be a memory and you won't have to think about it again. You will be completely fine and back to playing with and training Jack to do all sorts of things! Speaking of Jack, I am so excited about him and that he is yours. You deserve him and he certainly deserves you. There isn't anything like a dog. They will love you through anything and everything, unconditionally. Sometimes, I think they are better than many humans walking around today. People, in general should learn to love like dogs do! What a better world it would be.
We are so glad that you are on your way to Memphis. They are top notch in dealing with kids and have state of the art procedures and doctors. I cannot think of a more healing place for you to be. In addition to getting well, you will make friends with others who have been through much of what you have been through. You can compare notes! This will certainly encourage you to become a pediatric neurologist or neurosurgeon, maybe at St. Jude... I think that will be your "calling". You could teach kids to be brave and courageous as you have been through the same thing. We will be refering to you as Dr. Cermak, in fact, you have probably already finished your first year in medical school with all that you have learned already!
I told Uncle Bo that I really want to come to Memphis while you are there. I am sure St. Jude is an awesome place, I do hope I can come up there. Maybe ya'll will get to see Marlo Thomas (ask your parents who she is, I know they will remember "That Girl". I use to want to be her!
All of our love goes with you and your parents as you make this journey. I am convinced that this will get you well and in no time you and Jack will be outside throwing the frisbee.
Aunt Carroll
P. S. I will be sending "care packages" soon, so you will have something to do while you recover. If there is anything special that you want, tell your mom or dad to let me know. I love you, precious boy.
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