Henry's Blog

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I Am - by Henry Cermak
(Click to enlarge)

Henry started radiation - for the third time - yesterday [Monday, 1/21]. There will be 25 treatments to four spots in the brain (we had been aware of three: in the 1st, second and 4th ventricles, but the radiologist found a very small spot in the 3rd ventricle as well), and tomorrow they start 23 treatments to one spot in the middle of the spine.

While we are considering possibly adding some chemotherapy during the radiation, we fear that most drugs would weaken Henry's immune system to the point that we might have to suspend the radiation until he recovered, and we definitely do not want that to happen.

Meanwhile Henry continues to feel pretty good (although the fatigue is creeping in), and when possible he gets at least some partial days at school...It seems that just when he can resume a normal schedule something happens - pain, fatigue, travel, treatments, even scheduled school breaks - that disrupt it all over again. He nevertheless shows a remarkable ability to catch up when given half a chance.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Henry, I liked your poem. Was it for a class assignment? Have you heard about Pirates online? It's kind of like Runescape but it's with Pirates. The website is www.piratesonline.com. Hope you feel better. Your friend, Aidan

12:04 AM  

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