As many of you know, Henry revealed recurrence of tumor in both the brain and lower spine. The tumor in the spine was generating extreme pain, and he began radiation in mid October. The brain area, however can not be radiated, since he just finished radiation in that area in March. The waiting period for re-radiating an area is at least 2 years...three is the preferred waiting period, as the risk of tissue death is very high.
Neither area can currently be treated with surgery.
A brain scan taken after his October 4th scan shows significant growth in the tumors in three weeks.
Chemo treatments have limited success on recurrences of this tumor type, but there is no other treatment available. We have sought out clinical trials at Johns Hopkins in MD, Dana Farber in Boston, MD Anderson in TX, Aflac Children’s Heath Care Center in ATL, and the Neuro-Oncology / Blood Brain Barrier Program in OR. Following an on-site exam and interview we intend to enter a phase one trial at Duke University Hospital in NC.
The trial consists of flushing the spinal fluid with an experimental medication through a small reservoir implanted in the brain. Since the tumor spread through the spinal fluid to the spine and previously unaffected areas of the brain, the drug will flow through the spinal fluid and treat all the infected areas through the same mechanism as the tumor seeds.
The two main advantages to this trial are that the entire affected area will be addressed, and that there will be no waiting period following his current radiation (as many trials require).
Henry needs to take a spinal flow test to qualify. The test will be on Monday, Nov 26. in Durham, NC. If successful, he will begin the treatment shortly after. The first phase involves treatment in Durham for two out of 4 weeks. The second phase involves treatment in Durham for two out of six weeks. The third phase involves treatment in Durham one week out of every four for 44 weeks.
Thanks to all for support, wishes and prayers.
Terry, Cynthia and Henry