Feeling the Heat, Part 2
Henry has pretty much been holding his own the last few weeks. Some days he will be very tired and sleep pretty much all day long. Other days he will be unable to keep down any food or drink. And some days - like today - he wakes up at 6 AM ready to go and eats a breakfast consisting of a hot dog, Alpha Bits, cheese grits and fresh strawberries - in that order.
We now have a nurse that comes by two or three times a week to check on Henry and bring fresh medical supplies. We were able to get a better wheelchair and a special gel cushion to help prevent bedsores from sitting in the chair all day.
Last Tuesday the air conditioner finally gave up. When we were thinking about buying this house five years ago, the seller told us up front that the HVAC was non-negotiable. We brought in a HVAC inspector who looked at the system. His eyes got wide and told us that these were the original units from 1977 and that they should not be working. However, he added that they looked fine and there was nothing really wrong with them...except that they were operating ten years past their life span. I guess they decided five more years was enough.
We were able to have a shiny, new heat pump installed courtesy of a very generous (and very timely) gift from a relative. Regular readers of this blog know that we attempt to protect the privacy of family and friends by not identifying anyone by name (outside the immediate family). This policy, however, makes it difficult to give due to the many, many people - inside the family and out - who have gone above and beyond the expected support, be it emotional, financial, or devotion of personal time. So, in feeble thanks for our new, comfortable AC, and in homage to all those who have done so much, we give you:

Hi Henry, Cynthia and Terry!
It took about 2 hours but I just read your entire blog. You are all in my prayers. You're bravery and humor amaze me. I'm proud to know people like you.
Sonja Taylor
Dear Henry,
After thinking more about your question, I think I would like an original portrait of Darth Maul to accompany my General Grievous. I will be sending a new chapter to your SpongeBob book as well. I hope you're making chili dogs with your dad. I learned how to make my own Mac n Cheese. I will talk to you again soon. I love you, Cousin P
Hot dogs and alphabits sounds like a great breakfast.
Glad that the last few weeks have been relatively quiet for all of you. more prayers are being sent your way daily.
Dearest Family,
I think about you all, all the time. What a great team you three are. Henry I love hot dogs for breakfast!
I'm gross though, being a Chicago girl I like my hot dogs loaded with tomatoes and onions and everything else I can find in the kitchen... which leaves my breath... well let's just say everyone at work keeps a step or two back from me......hmmmmm.
Sending oodles of love,
and hugs galore,
and some extra family for fun
Kajon Cermak
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