Henry's Blog

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Under the Weather

Last Tuesday we went to the clinic for blood tests. Although his total white cell count was quite low, his infection-fighting cells were up. Since we are not currently giving home injections to boost cell production, we just need to be extra careful in guarding against infection.

With three days left in the chemo pill regimen, Henry bottomed out these last few days. He has been riding waves of nausea which make it all the more difficult to take his oral medications. Nothing tastes good to him right now, and he is very sensitive to smells. Although he missed school for most of last week, he and Mama have worked diligently to keep up with school work, and he created a great pop-up book report. His regular classroom teacher will start coming to the house for homebound lessons on days he can't get to school.

Dad has been MIA for most of last week. Leaving by 6am and getting home after midnight meant not seeing the family for days on end, and leaving Mama with all the caretaking duties (not the least of which is the taking of the dreaded "P"). Putting up a big musical is always arduous, and this production was particularly demanding. We took Henry to the opening on Friday but he really didn't feel well. He very much wanted to go to the opening night party (held at a local seafood place), but as soon as we arrived the smells of the restaurant immediately made him feel sick, so we did not stay.

He has had friends over much of the weekend which keeps his spirits up, and he has been able to have fun.

We go back to the clinic Monday for more blood tests. Wednesday we meet with a local volunteer from the Make a Wish foundation. The MRI, followed by our appointment with the surgeon, is on Tuesday, October 10.

- Dad


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